Friday 5 October 2012

The Human Incarnation of The Supreme Being of Heart and Mind is Dying.

How heavy is my heart today. How can I be expected to say goodbye to a being who came to help us and yet is being taken away like so many before.

I had not heard from Firesky since August 4th when I went north and finally got word from her today. The shadow government is killing off everyone that have Rh negative blood type near where they think she is because they know now, she is Rh negative. Her physical body is dying now and she hasn't much time left. I will be available to her, as much as I am able and ask that you all beat the sound of the drums within your hearts and beat them physically, to end this warring. To end the lies.

How much clearer than "she has Rh negative blood" can I make this? And now they know. She is what man has been taught to hate, what David Icke has pronounced evil and should be killed. She chose this body for this reason, to wake us up, because it was not the reptilian that made the shadow government but a hybrid of the reptilian and insects that had no lights within them. They became from the outside to within to corrupt and consume the light of all that are Rh negative.

It is these beings who were our families, stolen from among us, their blood corrupted and made to rule over us. Usurpers, if you will but the essence of all that created us is not our enemy and is NOT evil and that is precisely what they've been made out to be. THAT is what the secret government keeps from us and why they fear we cannot handle the truth. We'd go on a rampage like Hitler did when he learned only part of the truth that got twisted by the channels of the shadow government and his brain short circuited trying to rid the world of the sticky mess that enveloped them by ridding the planet of us. He went insane, lost it...fear gave way to more killing and it has been that way ever since.

The shadow government are those whose lights have been extinguished, who have lost the ability for compassion and love for the earth or for humans whom they see as vile, useful only as slaves and it is we who chose to take these human forms to salvage what is left of them before all are consumed. Killing them is not the answer!

Government has long feared, that we would kill them if we knew the truth, so we were never to know that truth. Their reasons are proven by manipulation of our emotions to kill each other in heinous ways. We've been harvested over and over again when we've come to this point in our history, to diminish our numbers, to keep us better controlled, to remain in sleep state, and programmed only to serve them.
We are, beings in human bodies; at the core of us, care givers and servants. These bodies we inhabit were built to capitalize on this emotion and make us beasts of burden. These bodies house, also, the emotion of anger which was never a bad emotion, only capitalized on to serve that which wanted to be "THE ONE." which is the dark matter that needs us in this state of fear to feed on and manifest it's growth.

What part of, stop killing each other, do we not understand? What part of, re-connect with the earth and we will be networked as a whole, do we not get?

What part of Wake the F*ck Up eludes us that we have to continue arguing logic with government and not take matters into our own hands, take our lives back, take the earth back by walking from their shiny bars of gold and silver coins?

Who the hell said gold and silver is necessary to life? Who's life?

We walk blindly into the light without ever realizing, it is this very light that kept us blinded. Ahhh, even religious books, in their half truths, told us that darkness would come in all light and the light or rather, truth, would seem all darkness.

Heavy is my heart. Grief stricken that if we can allow them to take the incarnated physical life of our Grand Mother, then we continue to war from within with each other and we have learned yet, nothing.

My prayer, that the hybrid shadow government will never succeed but be transformed. It is not for us to say whether they deserve to be destroyed or not, it is for our original source to say and only S/He who will have the last word to bring us full circle....home. If we cannot save her now while she inhabits a human body, if we cannot allow her to minister to the wounds now....can we blame her if she turns her back when she leaves our world and allows the full force of the cleansing to remove the termites of the earth?

Aye, innocents die but our families stand ready to catch us when we leave these bodies to end the slavery. This is the last cycle...I hope all we've done while here, was enough.

Julia May

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